It is difficult to read any publication without some mention of artificial intelligence (AI). And now even the Bots are now using AI!!
I was sitting in an airline lounge and an “AI Powered Cleaning Assistant” approached me. It was an AI Bot programmed to approach customers and beep at them to place dirty dishes on the bot’s shelf. When full it would go to a loading station and the dirty dishes would be removed, freeing the bot to continue its journey.

AI is prevalent and being used in many different areas. Yes, by AI cleaning assistants and even by nefarious actors trying to breach your digital security. Could the Bot have hacked into my computer? It’s a possibility worth considering. If you think the protection of an ID and password is sufficient, it’s only a matter of time before a Bot, possibly utilizing AI, breaches your basic digital defense. Absolutely. Using a wired keyboard would prevent Bluetooth capture, but it may not be as convenient.
Multifactor authentication (MFA) is also a process that would render an ID and password useless without a secondary authentication — like a one-time passcode — to complete the login process. But, like a wired keyboard, having a unique MFA for every digital connection may not be convenient. ID Federation is an industry nonprofit working to make authentication both safer and operationally convenient.
Imagine if your agency management system credentials, with secure MFA sign-on, could be used for connection to a carrier’s agent portal. This would eliminate multiple IDs and passwords and redundant MFA processes. ID Federation has implemented this with leading carriers to make it easier for agents. Ask your carriers to support ID Federation so you can improve your agency’s cyber protection.
Protect your customers. Protect your business.

Alvito Vaz is executive director of ID Federation. He is a long-time participant in AUGIE and has held business and technology leadership roles at Progressive and Travelers. He can be reached at